I do love auto shows. I do. It's great to see the manufacturers put up their hard work from the last year or two - talented designers, engineer and craftspeople. The new car smell is intoxicating. Short of being allowed to drive everything there - including the Yokohama and Nintendo displays, it's a party where all the rock stars of my world get together in one place. Each make has their niche, each model puts their best foot forward with their new turnouts oh, and the concepts. The concepts pull the curtain aside to what is going on in the minds of the manufacturers - you get a sense of what the direction the company is heading.
So, what is the dislike part? I'm just in that mood. I need a massage. And probably knee surgery. Meh. So much in this world is just so ordinary. I want to know where the passion is. My next post will be about the cars I think I can drive to that place. Oh, bleed already!
I had a super time at press days with my stalwart partner in snark and my most ardent enabler in my automotive addiction, Troy Turbo. Before we met up, I was texting him, "I hope to god you're not wearing a black jacket" as I looked out among the sea of black jacket clad executives. I know, it's the Auto Industry. I made it a point to complement a few gray and camel jacketed men. Thank god, Troy was in a handsome heather sweater so I can pull him out of a crowd easily. I think I was the only one wearing red, now I'm just bitching.
Walking the floor, there is a feeling, a pervasive approval seeking from those normally arrogant execs, the sort of nervousness you get on a first date... so full of hope and promise. Oh I love it. How they look at you, you - who may be the one to write something good about their car and company.
As each marque had their press conference in turn, it was shark week - the journalists queued up and the photographers jostling for position, usually obscuring mine. Each CEO and SVP head of global blah, blah, blah big shot chat us up and unveil their new baby. I've been checking out some of the reviews of auto show coverage. Most of it is pretty accurate.
Here is my take:
My least favorite car again:
The Coda. The thing says nothing about being an advanced plug-in electric car. So, you pay about a grand less that a Chevy Volt for a car that looks like a '95 Accord? So what's your marketing strategy? Who is it you want to appeal to? The lipophobic? (Fear of oil) Wealthy eco-green people that loved their 1995 Accords and don't mind paying double for something so nondescript no one will suspect you are saving the world? Oh, I get it, closet Democrats in Orange County?
They call their product specialists gurus. That's so MEH. Why do they keep coming back?
Good luck, Toyota has done if for years with the Camry. Maybe it'll work for you too!
The Doking. I did an internet search for Doking and it came up Dorking. Then docking. OK, there it is. Do-King is a Croatian company that manufactures unmanned ground vehicles for mine clearance and fire fighting. And now, electric city cars.
Their tag line is "Don't send a man in to do a machine's job." Doesn't that scream for a "That's what she said" joke? Speaking of which: Joking. It looks like an angry baby Smart car, with scissor doors. From behind it looks like a middle school girl named Mimi designed it so she can sign X's on her i's.
It's super MEH.
Infinity BLAH.
The JX35. Does this really need to be done? Bumpy and boxy, it looks like one of those poor muttly dogs that resulted from odd neighborhood match-ups. English bulldog and a whippet perhaps?
OK, more like if the QX mated with a 3rd gen Chrysler Voyager and then that abomination had a love child with the Infinity EX.
I waited a long time to get a picture with the door closed, but there were execs looking at it and they just wouldn't budge so I just took it. It's a terrible picture, but a good one doesn't help it either. My bad.
SO how much do you think a Motor Trend Car of the Year Award costs?
I think if my car "won" the coveted Car of the Year Award, I would have at least a half a smile on my face, but maybe it's a German thing.
There was a hushed collective HUH? when they announced the Passat won.
Nothing will ever make me like this car. Not even making a fun manga Mexican Luche Libre wrestler mask graphic on the front of the car. Which was my first thought when I saw it.
Every time I look at one I see it sandwiched in between a semi and a freeway structure. I get nightmares.
This. Is. What? Covered in 60's psychedelic peacock wrapping paper. No, no, just looking, in horror.
The Nissan Murano Cross Cabriolet.
Hey! I came up with a few more ways to dislike this one and a little disappointed the vitriol hasn't weakened from last year: Maybe I just don't get it. It rubs me the wrong way. I can't justify it in my head. I must not be the demographic.
It's weirdly curvy and angular all at the same time - If this car was a person, it would be caught on camera on the Real People of Wal-Mart.com wearing a fuschia wig. In production for three years, I have yet to see it top down on the road. Yes, I do look at cars everywhere I go, much to the annoyance of my friends and family. But I'm doing it for you. I'm all about the fans.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little tirade. If it were more interesting, I might have another blog entry about the brands that didn't have anything new to speak of: Acura. Honda. (OK give them a break, they've had a tough year) GMC. No? Nothing from the design center? Hyundai, turn on some lights, will you? It looked like nobody was home. Did the AV guy leave with the password? What was with the proliferation of white cars?
No, really. I had a good time!
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